Family Time Line

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter in Washington DC

We took the boys to Washington and toured... and toured. It was great fun.

and toured.. and walked

We toured the Washington Temple Visitors Center

March Flowers in Summerville

I'm enjoying my life as a photographer. I took these photos for the Chamber of Commerce and they gave me such joy. Summerville is truly a beautiful place to live. The weather has been wonderful this spring. The flowers have been gorgeous. They have come early and will leave us before Flowertown Festival, but their beauty has been sharp and poignant.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Erin's Pie From the Sky July 2011

Erin's Pie In The Sky

Erin’s Pie in the Sky

The day started
With a deluge as
Water poured from the sky.

Deep from the night it began
And it ran and ran 
Down our streets and
Into our porch.
On into the late afternoon
It swam,
Filling our apartment and our hearts
With a soggy hope of deliverance.

But a thoughtful daughter
With a frame of beauty
Found in the kitchen
A place of refuge where
Damp doubt could not reach.

She took task and
Measured and cut
Butter into peas
Until she had transformed
Gloomy skies
Into a tartlet of shinny 
Round criss-crossed comfort.

That at the end of the day
Warmed all of our tummies
And our hearts
With the idea
That rain may wash
Through our hopes and our dreams

Or if we choose
It can wash away troubles
And renew us.

Like her flour and summer fruit
That turned us, all tart and sour
Into a circle of laughing,
yummy peach pie,
That smiled until
The clouds flew away
Like a flock of

Linda Conkey Shaw July 28 2011

The summer has been filled with family, fun, hot sunshine, and moments when all seemed lost. But alas there is the role of family and how we can rely on someone to help us see what we will not. 
We were vacationing in a beach house when the "tropical" rainstorm managed to dump 8 inches of rain upon our island town. Electrical wires fell, water rose, roads were closed and eventually we were evicted from our rental because of sewer backups. 
We held it together and took the opportunity to ride our bikes in the rain, help Sam's lifeguard class find joy in the a battery powered radio, and soon after the sun came out (about 3) we were able to relocate our posse. And when we did we had such a wonderful 
pie to warm us. 
Thanks to Erin's culinary skills. 
Today marks her graduation from school and her movement on to new pathways. 
With love from Mom. 

This was July 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's day thus far.

First we were able to attend Hannah's Baptism. It was a wonderful day with family coming from all over.

Then we got to go watch Sam preform at a piano recital. Jackie Jones at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church. He did a terrific job! We were very proud of him.

Then... we took my mother out for Mother's Day dinner at the Outback STeak House. I had Tilapia with crab and mixed vegetables. Sam had the same. Mother had ribs and Mark had steak. It was a wonderful evening.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eagle Harbor Boys Ranch Day of Service

This was a great day for all involved. We had over 220 volunteers show up and work work work.
1. Graded the Basketball Court with dirt
2. Graded the Pavilion and planted new nursery shrubs
3. Filled in holes around the ranch that were left from construction. (pot holes)
4. Filled in holes around the lake that were causing erosion
5. Sorted donated clothing in their warehouse
6. Provided Childcare so that young families could participate
7. Painted the office
8. Distributed gravel (crushed concrete) into the many deep potholes on the Ranch road.
9. Built 8 picnic tables
10. Repaired the Small Picnic Pavilion by installing trusses for support.
11. Had a wonderful Lunch with the Boys at the Ranch
12. Socialized and developed future relationships of service.

It was wonderful serving side by side with another congregation (Church of Christ) and the Eagle Harbor Boys Ranch Staff.

We were the epitome of Many Hands Make Light Work.

Afterwards the boys invited the youth to swim and relax in their lake.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Labor Day

Unlike other family members who went hiking on Labor Day.. we went canoeing.

The only mishap we had was when Dad lost his golfing hat to a tree branch along the river.

We rounded a corner to find a large tree blocking our path. The strong current pushed us into the tree and the branches reached out and grabbed dad's hat.

We are canoeing with friends.

Other than that it was a lovely day. :)