Family Time Line

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's day thus far.

First we were able to attend Hannah's Baptism. It was a wonderful day with family coming from all over.

Then we got to go watch Sam preform at a piano recital. Jackie Jones at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church. He did a terrific job! We were very proud of him.

Then... we took my mother out for Mother's Day dinner at the Outback STeak House. I had Tilapia with crab and mixed vegetables. Sam had the same. Mother had ribs and Mark had steak. It was a wonderful evening.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eagle Harbor Boys Ranch Day of Service

This was a great day for all involved. We had over 220 volunteers show up and work work work.
1. Graded the Basketball Court with dirt
2. Graded the Pavilion and planted new nursery shrubs
3. Filled in holes around the ranch that were left from construction. (pot holes)
4. Filled in holes around the lake that were causing erosion
5. Sorted donated clothing in their warehouse
6. Provided Childcare so that young families could participate
7. Painted the office
8. Distributed gravel (crushed concrete) into the many deep potholes on the Ranch road.
9. Built 8 picnic tables
10. Repaired the Small Picnic Pavilion by installing trusses for support.
11. Had a wonderful Lunch with the Boys at the Ranch
12. Socialized and developed future relationships of service.

It was wonderful serving side by side with another congregation (Church of Christ) and the Eagle Harbor Boys Ranch Staff.

We were the epitome of Many Hands Make Light Work.

Afterwards the boys invited the youth to swim and relax in their lake.