Family Time Line

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 4th Video

He would not get out of bed. So the big boys came and brought some help.

At first he thought it was Mom, then when he figured it was B & J.. , he was okay with it.

They were leaving and wanted to say goodbye.

MSam and his cousins

BW checking out Charleston

R.J. the Conkey's and Lake's new addition. He's a Dachsund mix
B & W caught unaware
Computer Guru.. on the march through Charleston

Fourth of July

The New Cooper River Bridge.
The island in the middle of the harbor
The American Flag on the island
Taking a break from the heat.
Foot ball, sillies and smiles.
Neice RJ's Mom enjoys the sites
Computer Guru, RJ's Mom, and BW have fun at the Park in downtown Charleston. There is a giant pineapple water fountain, here where the locals were swimming in
Looking across the bay you can see the harbor, the new bridge and the York Town.

July 4th

MSam and I drove down to S.C. to be with Fishing Gramma and help her recover her health. Uncle Computuer Guru and Aunt Teacher brought the family for the 4th and we had fun.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Summer Fest is here

Milwaukee SummerFest Began Thursday.

Some really good names in music are here for the week.
Hannah was down Saturday night with her friends.

Fun Before the Fouth

This Post is for Trainboy and DinoGuy who love cars, trucks, tractors and parades. We went on Saturday for the parade. Then Scoutboy had to help with cleanup at the park before the picnic. We had a nice time at the picnic with the music and the band.. The Eddie Buttes Band. They were very lively, had great vocals and could really beat the rhythm. We enjoyed it very much. Scoutboy saw many friends there and we stayed until the fireworks after 10. The fireworks were wonderful.

Fishing Gramma.
I have not been out b/c of the mosquitos.. They have been especially plentiful this year with all of the rain for them to breed in. We were fortunate Saturday as the temperature dropped.
:) love to all. L
Graduate receiving her top honors award.
Graduate with siblings..

Graduate with girlfriends
Gramma with the MShaw's
Trainboy at Bannan's graduation
Trainboy on tricycle. with Dinoguy.. on bike for first time
Trainboy in front of truck
Dinoguy.. figuring out the bike.. Once he was on, we couldn't get him off. He loved it.
Dinoguy giving the graduate a big smile.

More fish pictures..
If you can stand my wiggly camera, at the end is a good picture of the carp that are spawning in the side grass along the road. This of course is not usually covered by water.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

River Flooding. It was up about 10 feet. It looks like a lake.
From the top of the hill
another view

Fireman's Park.

This is a video of the flood waters that hit our town this past weekend. We had three straight days of tornado warnings and a bit of time in the basement.

The power of mother nature is real.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother Day May 11

Mother's day May 11
We had a quiet day. Hannah was not well, so I attended church to teach my lesson and then came home. It rained most of the morning, but we were ablet to get out for a lengthy walk which the dogs enjoyed.Malina called and we talked for quite a while. Samuel gave me another animal book with a commentary by John Grogan of "Marley and Me" fame. We have read and reread this book, and have enjoyed it greatly. Rob and Erin sent me 2 8x10 photo's. One is of Erin, Rob and Me, and the other is of Hal. I love them both and placed them on display in the front hall. Hannah gave me a pair of beautiful earings, which I will love wearing. Mark cooked a delicious meal of roast beef, asparagus Yum.. corn, and cucumbers. It was very tasty and not too fattening. :) I still pigged out with chocolate coverd raisins. The afternoon whittled away quietly with games, books, phone calls, music on the both the piano and guitar, and household chores.No real photos to share.Thank you to everyone who made the day special.I called and spoke to my mother yesterday. Yesterday was not a pleasant day and I will not recap it. I do not wish to spoil the pleasant mood of the day. I spoke to Dad a short while and have not called Joan just yet. I plan to call tomorrow.

Monday, May 5, 2008

More Graduation

Rob is on the far left.. 2nd row.. on the isle..

Graduation of a Master Accountant

Here we are at graduation in Provo with Erin and Hannah and of course the one who worked so hard. Robert!

Hannah and I flew out to spend the weekend with Rob and Erin. We had fun eating out and golfing. Erin surprised us with her swing. She's got game. It was windy and bit much.. but we enjoyed ourselves.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Lacrosse Game. 6-5.. Mark is No. 10..

Hope tries to nap in the hammock. It's the first day we've had warm enough weather to sleep in the hammock. Penny and Hobbes Stand guard... over the girls as they sleep. Eventually Hobbes jumped up into the hammock and tried to wake them. He's a cuty..

Spring has Arrived Sunday May 3rd

Here is a photo of Mark facing off in his Lacrosse Game yesterday. He played very well, receiving one assist. They played Waukesha and won 6to 5.

Yesterday was very rainy and cold, but today dawned warm and sunny. After services, we all caught an afternoon snooze before walking Penny and Hobbes and visiting with a few neighbors.

Here is a video of Hope and Hannah being sat on by their father. Hope is preparing this week for her trip to Guatemala. Hannah is addressing Graduation Announcements. I made some scrumptious peach ice cream for dessert. Very yummy. Very creamy… I am very happy that spring is mostly here. We can still get a frost, but if the flowers and the grass keep growing that won’t faze me. )

May 3 Lacrosse in the Rain

Today, We played lacrosse in the rain. It was 50 and wet. I came home and took a long hot shower. The team won 6 to 5 and it was a close call. Mark Samuel did very well. He scored a goal and had one assist. The boys are quickly learning stick skills.

Hope is home from college. She will leave for Guatamala next week where she will help build houses and work in an orphanage. I helped her pack up a good bit of craft material for the children to use. She looks good, is happy, spent some time @ Washington and Lee with Christian B. and has Kendall over tonight. I am so glad she has kept up with her friends. Friends are most important in life.

I was out last week for Rob's graduation from college. He is well. He loves his Lacrosse Team and absolutely loves lacrosse. U.S. Lacrosse sent me an email with their need for an Accountant Manager. I sent him the job profile and link. He would be perfect for the job. It is in Maryland. Mark has a job opportunity in Maryland. Maybe we will all move to Maryland

Erin played golf with us while we were out west. It was her first time and she did very well. She definitely has game. Hannah was with us and other than jet lag and being delayed an entire day for getting home, it was a nice trip. I saw Cathy C. and Emily and Don C. as Emily graduated also. Busy time.. busy season..

Mark's job hunt is going well. He had a phone interview this week and has another early next week with a different company. It would be nice to go home to the south. I wish we could choose where we lived, but we can't so I will have to adapt.

The reunion effort is strong. We are 114.. and growing. I will rest much easier when we have more $ in the bank. We needed 100 paid to break even. We all felt we could do this and I don't think it will be a problem, but I have to keep the fire burning and help everyone get on board. I finished searching this week and turned the list over to Carla and Doreen for the mailing of the flyers. We'll have another meeting a week from Thursday and start the final plans. Dottie is helping with a questionaire... and decoration, and memorabilla.. I am really excited. I'd be more excited if we had a job.. but that will come.